Episode 27: What Is God’s Big Plan For Your Life?
Do you ever wonder if you are missing out on the life you are supposed to be living? We want to know God's will for our lives and the big picture plan, but maybe it's a lot simpler than we think.
In this episode, we'll talk about what God's will really is for your life, and why growth does not always mean change.
This Week’s Practice: Reflecting on Your Life Now
The Practice: Reflect on your life as it is now, noticing and naming what is true now instead of pushing ahead to what’s next.
Reflection Guide:
Think about your life as it is right now. Name your people, your work, and the everyday tasks and routines that make up your days. What does a typical day hold for you?
As you consider your days, do you believe that your life is enough just as it is right now? Do you believe that you are enough?
What would it look like to grow in loving God and people in your life as it is right now?
How do you feel when you hear this statement: Maybe, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. How does that hit you? Is that hard for you to believe? Does that bring relief or anxiety? Bring all of those feelings into God’s presence, and see what He might have to show you.
Ask God to show you the significance of how you spend your time. Rest in His presence, trusting that what you do matters. Surrender any angst or anxiety you are carrying about the future, and trust that if something does need to change, God will show you in His timing.
Mentioned in this episode:
“What if we found out God’s big plan for our lives is that we wouldn’t spend so much of our time trying to figure out a big plan for our lives? Perhaps He just wants us to love Him and love each other.” Bob Goff (via Instagram)
Matthew 22:37-40
More Resources:
For more resources to help you discover steady and sustainable growth through simple spiritual practices, download a free starter guide.
This podcast is part of the New Hope Podcast Network. Learn more about all the podcasts in the network here.