Episode 20: How to Find Motivation When You Feel Stuck
How do you get things done when you feel blah and unmotivated? Life keeps moving, and we can't wait until we feel like it to do what needs to be done.
In this episode, I'm sharing simple and practical steps to help you get motivated and get moving again, while still paying attention to what your feelings are trying to show you.
This Weekโs Practice: How to Find Motivation When You Feel Stuck
The Practice: Try one of these simple steps to help you get unstuck. Invite God into this process with you as you pay attention to what your feelings are trying to show you.
Notice and name your lack of motivation, and ask yourself WHY.
Ask God what HE wants you to see and what your feelings have to teach you.Name your first step, and then do it.
Instead of focusing on ALL that needs to get done, just name one step.Focus on creating outer order to give you momentum and energy.
Clear some outer clutter to help settle your spirit.Set a timer.
Give yourself a set amount of time to work on a task or project. When the timer goes off, give yourself permission to be done.Reward yourself when youโre done.
Save your distractions for when your work is done. After your task, scroll on Instagram or read a book.Read or listen to something inspiring.
Check out an inspiring podcast or book to remind you of the bigger picture.Give yourself lots of grace and begin again tomorrow.
No matter what you accomplish, let it be enough and begin again tomorrow. Recognize that you are human, not a machine, and productivity is not the highest goal.
More Resources:
For more resources to help you discover steady and sustainable growth through simple spiritual practices, download a free starter guide.
This podcast is part of the New Hope Podcast Network. Learn more about all the podcasts in the network here.